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Welcome Hilary Kye Kinder to Our Kuper Family in San Antonio

Updated: Oct 6, 2018

As a San Antonio native, growing up in Alamo Heights, real estate has always been a part of Hilary’s life. She is the third generation of real estate entrepreneurs and developers; both her father and grandfather were successful in shaping the landscape of San Antonio and South Texas.

Her grandfather Gilbert Kinder started his career as a developer in the late 1940's and her father quickly followed suit and is known as a premier builder in San Antonio with the Kinder Ranch being his most recent development.

Growing up in a family of builders and developers, Hilary has extensive knowledge of home building. She plans to utilize that knowledge to help her find the perfect home living experience for her clients.

Hilary has always been very focused on problem-solving. Combined with her passion for helping people and empathetic nature, she is determined to get her client’s needs met while finding them the perfect home. She believes in achieving her client’s real estate goals by having a keen knowledge of the San Antonio and its surrounding area housing market.

Hilary has a B.A. in Communications and Media from St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas. After graduation, Hilary relocated to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting and screenwriting. While in Los Angeles, Hilary couldn't stay away from the real estate market and got her California real estate license. Like all native Texans, she longed for home and returned to be with her friends and family.

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice” Anton Chekhov. This is the same philosophy that Hilary plans to impute into her real estate practice.



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